Sunday, March 27, 2011

Communicating with Technology

In today's world, not only is technology a way of learning and researching, it is the new way of communicating. What we once thought of as successful technology communication may have been only emails and phone calls. Now the ways of communicating via technology are every changing and seemingly endless. We can skype with family members that are far away, or with students in a classroom far off in another country. We can create blogs and online portfolios or websites to showcase ourskills, ourselves, and our lives with others. We can use our phone to upload applications such as music, games, and videos. We can even stay up to date on our church's worship using a podcast when we cannot be there in person; all of this simply by picking up our computer or our cell phone.

It seems as thought these days technology has no limits! We are always changing and always inventing new uses for our gadgets, applications, and online tools. If something can be changed or updated, someone will find a way to do it!

Through this course, my eyes have been opened drastically by what technolgy has offered at my fingertips. I have been able to successfully create a blog site and even a website to showcase my online portfolio. This will especially come in handy when I have a classroom of my own, when I can post my assignments for my students, my communication for parents and students, and any other information vital for our classroom.

Technology is not only something for the workplace. It is now an everyday part of families, teachers, classrooms of all kinds, and everyday living in our world. Whether we are driving in our car listening to a podcast or our own itunes lineup, or we are creating a presentation for school or work, or making a schedule for our week using an interactive planner, or even skyping with a distant family member technology is everywhere and anywhere!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that technology is everywhere and this class has certainly given me a lot of great information. Podcasting will be interesting to use in the classroom although I am unsure if I will be able to use it. I do believe it is a very creative way to assist students even after school hours.
